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Aikido Shinju-Kai

Aikido Shinju-Kai 合气道心柔会 日本の公益財団法人合気会公認 An Official Organization recognized by Aikido World Headquarters, Japan, to be spreading Aikido. Established in 1988, Aikido Shinju-Kai is the premier and most active Aikido organization in South-East Asia, Singapore Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art that enables one to defend against an opponent of superior size and strength. It is a defensive system of continuous, circular motions to harmonise with the opponent’s energy, using joint locks, pins and throws. When properly practiced, successful defence is achieved through minimal action. It is very suitable for kids, ladies and even seniors to practice. Why train Aikido? Martial arts are great forms of physical and mental training for all ages, and Aikido is no different. Not only do you acquire self-defence skills, but you also get a full body workout! Aikido practitioners (Aikidokas) will gradually see these benefits as they progress in their learning journey. - They will learn essential self-defense techniques to protect themselves from injuries by accidental falls/slips or attacks from others. - Increase mental resilience, discipline and focus which will assist them in coping with any stress or in their academic studies. - Develop student’s overall physical fitness, core muscular strength, flexibility, stamina, focus, reflexes and Fundamental motor skills (FMS). - Focusing and listening, building on individual children’s’ attention span. - Igniting their self-confidence and self-esteem which could allow them to be effective leaders in the future. - Children will learn to respect and take care of one another. The essence of Aikido, Loving your opponent and Winning without violence and fighting.
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